Thank you for visiting our page and inquiring about how the General Movements Assessment (GMA) evaluation process works at Thrive. We have been dedicated to Early Intervention since 2002 and our hope is every infant has access to early detection evaluation and therapeutic services. For this reason, we hold dedicated space for our GM Assessments and aim to get your infant in as quickly as possible to one of our five therapists who are Certified by the General Movements Trust.

Insurance authorizations can take time and for those families who would like to get in quickly without delay we have established private pay rates depending on your child's age. Here is the breakdown:

For infants under 9 weeks corrected age:

  • First GMA with written report and suggestions for home

  • Second GMA with trajectory plot to monitor results from one testing period to the next

  • Third GMA with trajectory plot and recommendations.

    Cost: $450

 For infants over 9 weeks corrected age:

  • First GMA with written report and suggestions for home

  • Second GMA with trajectory plot and recommendations.

    Cost: $350

Written reports and your child's plotted trajectory will be sent to you as well as your pediatrician or any designated specialist you choose. 

To begin the process of having your infant assessed, please complete the following information and we will get back to you shortly. 

After completing the form above you should hear from someone within 48 hours but you are also welcome to call our office at (909) 783-1111 if you have any questions or need more information!